Barry and Sondra Reynolds are excited to launch the Bin There Dump That franchise in Tulsa, Oklahoma. While helping his daughter with cleanup after a remodel in Oklahoma City, Barry was introduced to Bin There Dump That firsthand. He was impressed with the driveway protection and the clean, green bin parked perfectly in the driveway.
The research began, and the Reynolds’ discovered a real need for quality residential and contractor dumpster rental in Tulsa and the surrounding areas.
Both Sondra and Barry grew up in the Tulsa area and have strong connections to the community. Sondra is currently working in the media industry and has held positions in marketing, sales and audience development. Barry was in the food industry for 16 years and has extensive experience in sales and business development.
With customer service and integrity at the forefront of their business, the Reynolds have a clear vision of what is important to the customers they serve. They are looking forward to continuing their involvement in the community and providing customers in the Tulsa area a local option for a simple, friendly dumpster rental experience.
Connect with Barry & Sondra if you need help with a fast, reliable dumpster rental service in Tulsa.