What Can I Expect to Pay for Dumpster Service Costs?

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Updated January 23, 2024

Dumpster pricing varies depending on multiple factors, especially the location and rental company.

For example, renting a 10 yard dumpster in New York City may cost $600 for a seven-day rental, while the same size dumpster in Topeka, KS may cost half that.

Various factors, especially the location and rental company, play a role in dumpster service costs.

Dumpsters may cost more or less depending on your area's general cost of living, the provider you rent from, and the amount of debris that needs to be removed.

Due diligence goes a long way in getting the best bang for your buck.

In this guide, we’ll discuss dumpster costs and provide resources on how to get the best deal for your dumpster possible.

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dumpster sizes and average costs infographic

Average Cost for Roll-off Dumpster Rentals

The standard dumpster rental duration for most companies is seven days, although most are flexible in being able to meet the needs of your project.

The following chart will display national average prices to rent the most common roll-off containers for one week.


National Average Dumpster Rental Costs

Roll-off Dumpster Size Average Cost Per Week
10 Yard Dumpster $250-$450
20 Yard Dumpster $350-$550
30 Yard Dumpster $450-$650
40 Yard Dumpster $550-$750

Average Cost for Commercial Dumpster Service

Trash and recycling services for your business can range in price from $90 per month to $300+ per month for one container.

The exact cost depends on the waste hauler’s pricing, container size, location, and type of debris.

Recycling containers generally cost less than trash dumpsters.

The following chart will display national average prices to rent the most common commercial dumpsters for one month.


National Average Dumpster Rental Costs

Commercial Dumpster Size Average Cost Per Month
2 Yard Dumpster $100-$200
4 Yard Dumpster $150-$250
6 Yard Dumpster $200-$300
8 Yard Dumpster $250-$350


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Dumpster Service Cost Factors

There are several factors that will affect the cost of dumpster rentals or commercial dumpster services.

Let’s break it down.

Waste Hauler Pricing

Simply put, each waste hauling company is free to set their pricing to whatever they’d like.

As a customer, this makes it critical to check with multiple companies before choosing a provider—we recommend contacting at least 3 different services.

Each company can vary based on the duration of the rental, weight limit, overage fees, pick-up schedule, operating hours, and many more factors.

It's also important to note that companies often run promotions or offer discounts for seniors or veterans, which is another reason it's important to shop around.


Waste haulers generally charge more if they are required to travel long distances to drop off or pick up.

Fuel costs and wear-and-tear on trucks are a substantial overhead cost for a waste hauling company.

If possible, go with a company located nearby.

On top of distance from the rental company, where you're located within your region will also make a big difference. 

The cost of living in your area impacts landfill fees, meaning higher disposal fees for you.

Dumpster Size

Smaller dumpsters cost less than larger dumpsters.

This is true for roll-off container rental and commercial dumpster service.

However, sometimes larger dumpsters provide a better overall value.

Going with the smallest size dumpster to save money can end up costing you more if you underestimate the amount of junk or debris you need to get rid of, causing you to have to rent a second dumpster. 

One 20 yard dumpster will cost less than renting two 10 yard dumpsters.

Type of Waste

Recycling dumpsters generally cost less than general waste dumpsters because tipping fees are less at the landfill/processing facility.

Other wastes have special considerations that may influence pricing, such as concrete, roofing debris, construction debris, tires, yard waste, and hazardous wastes.

Clean loading a dumpster, meaning only dumping one type of material into the container, usually allows for a discounted dumpster rental price. 

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How to Save on Dumpster Rental Costs

Dumpster rental costs are not set in stone, especially when working with smaller, local waste haulers.

Inquiring about special deals, volume discounts, or discounts for seniors/military/etc. are great ways to reduce rental costs.

The best way to ensure that you're getting the best price is to contact several different locally-owned service providers in your area to compare compare dumpster rental quotes—we recommend getting at least 3.

Hometown makes it easy to find and contact local dumpster rental companies in your area.

You can read real, verified customer reviews and request free quotes from as many companies as you like.

Other Cost-Saving Strategies

  • Rent during the offseason (winter months). Rental providers in the north, especially, are eager for business during the winter months
  • Opt for a shorter rental period and see if that can get you a small discount
  • Share dumpster costs with a neighbor if they have things to dispose of as well
  • Follow the dumpster rental provider’s rules to avoid additional fees (ex. overage fees, charges for hazardous wastes, loading the dumpster too high)

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